Resources & Blogs

Recent Articles & Resources

A multi-chapter resource about when to file a cert petition, looking at how to evaluate factors that may it more likely for cert to be granted, as well as the strategy of filing for cert.

A federal judge in Texas has granted a nationwide injunction that temporarily halts the new federal overtime rule change that was set to go into effect on December 1st. This ruling is big news for many ministries.

A multi-chapter resource by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Dr. Brent Lindquist about some ways to tell when you, a colleague, or an employee might need some additional help (such as counseling), and how that could have implications in the workplace.

A multi-chapter resource by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Dr. Brent Lindquist about the issue of risk management and the vulnerability of missions for where their people are, and what they do.

A multi-chapter resource about the pros and cons of handling the appeal yourself as trial counsel, handing the case over to appellate counsel, and whether there is any better solution.

The point of this recent case is that Title VII does not cover sexual orientation discrimination, but the court wishes that it did.

A multi-chapter resource about things to consider before filing a lawsuit: doing a cost-benefit analysis, identifying and then weighing the pros and cons, and more.

A few years back, values-based referrals by counselors were proper under the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics if done tactfully, so as not to wound the client, and were ethically permissible if the therapist, because of personal beliefs, could not provide what the client was seeking. Since we first reported on this issue, several big changes have altered that premise, most importantly, a major change in the ACA Code of Ethics.

A multi-chapter resource about whether or not you can you have a union at a religious college, and what the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has to say about the matter.

Pastors work tirelessly preparing for sermons, counseling parishioners, and managing other administrative aspects of running a church. A teacher at a religious school spends countless hours developing lesson plans, and even more instructing students on matters of doctrine. A missionary’s work in the field does not fit the traditional 9 to 5 work day, and the person may be “on call” nearly 24-7. Often, religious workers, driven by a sense of calling, work far more than a 40-hour-work week. Does a religious organization have to pay overtime under a federal law called the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)? While the answer used to be “most likely not,” a recent change in the rules governing when overtime must be paid creates some confusion, and probably a mixed result.