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Recent Articles & Resources

Criminal opportunists are getting more creative in their scamming techniques. Organization leaders should know what to do if their organization becomes the target of a scam.

The international targeting of faith-based organizations (FBOs) is not new, but the rising threat of violence against FBOs in America is an emerging and troubling trend.

Earlier this month, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission dropped its second case against Jack Phillips due to evidence of the Commission acting with religious hostility.

The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental American value that many employees wish to exercise at their workplace.

Is your organization’s website accessible to persons with disabilities? If not, you may be putting your organization at risk.

Research and statistics show that using 15-passenger vans remains a risky option for organizations. This post discusses the risks and what can be done to keep people safer.

Since using marijuana is legal in Colorado, can your employees use it? Can you stop them? What should your policies include? This post discusses the legal issues involved.

What should a business owner do if he or she gets a negative online review? This post will discuss how to respond. Remaining level-headed and courteous can turn a negative review into a positive for your business.

In September of 2018, the Virginia Supreme Court held that the lower court had authority to rule on a merger agreement and contract between two churches, and that did not overstep church authority.

When are the courts allowed to review a church’s internal sexual harassment investigation? A court in Illinois addresses this question by applying the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine.