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Recent Articles & Resources

An important new piece of legislation changes how Colorado employers are required to interact with their employees at separation. Here’s what employers should know.

Two recent decisions from federal appellate courts clarify the scope of the First Amendment’s protections for religious employers and provide some practical guidance.

Employers can diversify their workforce and get new talent by overcoming hiring biases and obstacles like gaps in employment history caused by particular life situations.

Preventing and responding to sexual abuse is a major issue for churches and ministries. This article discusses the various ways in which attorneys can help organizations prevent and respond to abuse and discusses what ministries should expect from their attorneys.

Enforcement of arbitration agreements can sometimes be tricky, especially with new federal laws in place limiting when an employer can use them. This article takes you back to the basics and asks: when can an arbitration agreement be enforced?

Determining how to classify your workers can be tricky, especially after several states have raised their minimum wage requirements. Ensure compliance, not a lawsuit.

Have you ever had a witness demand a virtual (Zoom) interview for an employment investigation? It’s not as simple as it sounds.

Non-compete agreements are sometimes the best avenue for ensuring that trade secrets remain with an employer after an employee leaves, but if Colorado’s HB 22-1317 is signed into law, these agreements will be very limited.

A recent decision from the U.S. Supreme Court involving a religious display in Boston may impact religious liberty and faith-based organizations, by way of free speech and religious expression.

Ministries and non-profits often rely on the help of volunteers or interns. While most volunteers are willing to donate their time, they may not be agreeing to donate their intellectual property.