David and Theresa Sidebotham joined the newly launched Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention for its first annual conference in Nashville, Tennessee. ECAP’s mission is to “help leaders protect the vulnerable in ministry through standards, accreditation, and resources.” ECAP has developed Child Safety Standards, which are currently in the public comment stage. The accreditation program will be announced later in 2021. More information on the program can be found at ecap.net.
Theresa Sidebotham served as the Expert Panel Chair in developing the standards. She and David Sidebotham attended the first annual conference. David shared with attendees the child protection training developed by Telios Teaches, “Creating the Capable Guardian” and “Employee Training 2021: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Christian Workplace.” Theresa presented two sessions: on sexual harassment (and the interaction with child abuse), and on how to manage a crisis. She also served on a Panel discussing organizational responses to abuse allegations.
Theresa and David enjoyed the time talking with child safety experts and other people who care so deeply about the welfare of children within ministries. They have high hopes that ECAP will make a profound difference in child safety in the years to come, and are even more passionate about this topic now that David’s brand-new daughter (and Theresa’s granddaughter) has joined the Telios Team.