Telios In the News: Advent’s Powerful Messages Remind Christians “to Look to God.”

Dr. James Spencer, president of the DL Moody, noted that faithful all over the world recognize that we are “living in trouble times.” Six faith leaders, including Bruce Sidebotham of Telios Law, shared their hopes for advent with Fox News.

Guilt, fear and shame drive humans to distraction, despair — and sometimes even suicide. Guilt flows from what we’ve done. Fear happens when facing consequences. But shame lives in the very essence of who we are. In Christian belief, Jesus’ death (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter) defeat the guilt of sin and the fear of death. But it’s His birth (Christmas) that defeats our shame. If God himself can come through water and blood, naked, into a feeding trough for sheep — then no human condition or affliction, real or perceived, is beyond restoration to honor through uniting with Jesus.

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