Guest Post: Why Churches Need an Executive Pastor

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In this resource, Dr. John Mrazek discusses the reasons why he believes churches should have executive pastors. Begin reading with "Part 1: Why Churches Need an Executive Pastor."


Dr. John Mrazek
Dr. John Mrazek

Dr. John Mrazek leads a ministry called SharedXP that provides part-time Executive Pastor services to smaller churches, church plants, and churches with an XP that need extra band-width or special skills for a season. He consults regularly in the areas of strategic planning, staff assessment, aligning resources with the mission, and implementing best practices from business and ministry. He also teaches classes on leadership, change management, and organizational behavior at colleges and universities in the Colorado Springs and Denver areas. John, his wife Connie, and their three grown children live in Colorado. He can be reached at 847-867-1662 or by email at



Featured Image: Dr. John Mrazek

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