
Non-disclosure agreements are controversial in the context of abuse and misconduct claims. This article discusses the pros and cons of NDAs and considerations about implementing them.

If churches discuss sex abuse allegations publicly, are they liable for defamation claims? Maybe, but there are some defenses, as a recent Texas case held.

A white paper by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. about how to protect your religious organization from the risk of lawsuits.
What should an attorney do if he or she gets a negative online review? This post will discuss how to respond. Remaining level-headed and courteous can turn a negative review into a positive for the firm.
The doctrine of admission pro hac vice permits the temporary admission of an unlicensed attorney to practice law in a specific jurisdiction and for a specific case. This post discusses the ABA Model Rule on pro hac vice.
Often, nonprofit boards seek attorneys to serve, based on their knowledge and experience that may be useful. Attorneys also enjoy serving as a way of giving back to the community. But there are some pitfalls that this post discusses.
Sometimes an attorney needs to withdraw from a case, or step into one partway through. This post discusses the ethical rules for withdrawing from or entering into a case that is already underway.
As if discovery were not complicated enough, now electronic discovery includes text messages. This post presents some current legal rulings and the dangers they flag if a firm incorrectly handles text messages.
Being sued can be the “worst nightmare” situation for a business. This post discusses practical ways to respond to threats of a lawsuit.
Nonprofits often wonder whether their charitable status offers any protection if they get sued, or if funds that were donated for charitable purposes will just get wiped out by the lawsuit. Some protections such as the doctrine of charitable immunity apply, but these are limited.