Child Safety and Education

Most people know that if there is an allegation of child abuse, a report to the authorities needs to be made, but may be unsure of how to do it. We've created a template form and some guidelines that may help.

When people think of child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct against children, they often do not think of inappropriate behavior between children. But the reality is that often, minors are both perpetrators and victims. This article provides recommendations for responses that will bring healing rather than make matters worse.

New federal legislation is creating additional protections for pregnant workers and new moms in the workforce.

Preventing and responding to sexual abuse is a major issue for churches and ministries. This article discusses the various ways in which attorneys can help organizations prevent and respond to abuse and discusses what ministries should expect from their attorneys.

This post discusses child suicide, the general risk factors, the particular impact of COVID–19, how organizations can respond to at–risk children and families, and how organizations can address trauma in responders.

A recent case from Montana demonstrates the complicated interaction of mandatory reporting laws and child protection with the clergy privilege.

A religious organization was accused of protecting a known pedophile within its organization. How can an organization stay on the right side of the law and be sure that it protects children?

A white paper by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Roger L. Dixon, M. Div., Th.M., Ph.D. about biblical ethics and responding to child abuse.

With thousands of active agents in the United States and around the world, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a viable recipient of international child abuse reports.
Campus disciplinary committees can no longer hold Title IX hearings without protecting the due process rights of accused students, including cross-examination, even at private educational institutions.