As if discovery were not complicated enough, now electronic discovery includes text messages. This post presents some current legal rulings and the dangers they flag if a firm incorrectly handles text messages.
This post refreshes readers on the 2015 Amendments to the federal rules, and highlights key points of the Sedona Conference’s latest publication on responding to discovery requests.
The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that the 2015 amendments to C.R.C.P. 26 do not require automatic exclusion of expert testimony when the underlying expert report fails to meet Rule 26 requirements.
In a newly published decision, the Tenth Circuit provides guidance on exclusionary sanctions when a party fails to supplement its initial damages disclosures.
Reliance on email to provide notice to opposing counsel may be the norm but can come with problems. Learn about how to avoid these issues.
This post outlines the Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(d) rule on additional discovery during summary judgment based on rulings from a recent case out of the 10th Circuit, Cerveny v. Aventis, Inc.

A multi-chapter resource about Simplified Procedure in Colorado state court, with an overview of C.R.C.P. 16.1 Simplified Procedure and what to expect if your case is proceeding under it.