Child Safety and Education

A multi-chapter resource by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Dr. Brent Lindquist about ensuring the optimal experience for children in the missions field.
We discuss the benefits of Verified Volunteers, an organization option that is focused on providing affordable, easy, and thorough background checks for volunteers.
This post addresses tips for preventing bullying in religious organizations by adapting the best practices from Stop Bullying Now! to the mission environment.
Sexual harassment and abuse create tragic stories for individuals and organizations. How do we prevent abusive or harassing behavior by basic best practices?
Read our list of suggestions for ways you can take action against state-sponsored child strip searching in Colorado.
A new report on volunteer screening trends and best practices highlights the latest developments in volunteer management. Learn more about what these trends may mean for your church or ministry.
Clergy privilege can often be complex. Learn more about how to handle the intersection between clergy privilege and clergy’s role as a mandated reporter of child abuse.
A Florida preschool recently learned a hard lesson about the importance of good child protection.
This article was published in the 2014 Evangelical Missionary Society's annual publication number 22 called The Missionary Family: Witness, Concerns, Care.
A Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Rev. Jiang, was accused of sexually abusing a child. He denied having done it. The criminal case against Rev. Jiang was voluntarily dismissed by the prosecutor.