Part 1: Good-Bye GINA, Hello Social Networking

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Hi, Brent. Social networking is the new way we participate in community, so many of the things we once shared at the village well or at prayer meetings are now shared online. That can be good and it can cause problems, just like old-time gossip. And social media definitely causes its share of employment problems.

If things being shared publicly could cause an adverse employment decision based on disability or genetic information, the employer would probably rather not know it—or would have to document carefully excellent reasons made for a decision that were not discriminatory. Social media policies can give some guidance here—giving us a whole new range of things to talk about.

As we fondly bid farewell to GINA, it’s good to know she still causes a minor number of employment problems compared to other statutes. See this recent article about GINA cases.

So let’s start talking about social networking and social media policies!

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Because of the generality of the information on this site, it may not apply to a given place, time, or set of facts. It is not intended to be legal advice, and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations