Managing Risks

A multi-chapter resource about what you should do if your opponent files a frivolous appeal: Part One of this series outlines how to spot a frivolous appeal and discusses how the Court is likely to respond to it. Part Two discusses how to avoid filing a frivolous appeal and how to respond if you are on the other side of one.
Reliance on email to provide notice to opposing counsel may be the norm but can come with problems. Learn about how to avoid these issues.
The Supreme Court case, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Haeger, limits how much inherent power a court has to award attorney fees as a sanction for discovery abuse.
Learn more about the Colorado ethics rules for dividing fees among lawyers in different firms through an analysis of a recent case from the Colorado Court of Appeals.
This post outlines the Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(d) rule on additional discovery during summary judgment based on rulings from a recent case out of the 10th Circuit, Cerveny v. Aventis, Inc.

A multi-chapter resource about Simplified Procedure in Colorado state court, with an overview of C.R.C.P. 16.1 Simplified Procedure and what to expect if your case is proceeding under it.
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals is now using NextGen CM/ECF for e-filing. Check out this post highlighting the new system and outlining how to take full advantage of it. E-filing is not that hard.
Confused about personal jurisdiction over out-of-state corporate defendants in Colorado? This post outlines a recent Colorado Supreme Court case clarifying limits on general personal jurisdiction.
This post outlines the Colorado Court of Appeals’ holding on interlocutory appeals in Allison v. Engel, 2017COA43, and provides three practical takeaways for dealing with Rule 54(b) certifications.
This post provides insight to the question “Should I consent to have my case before a magistrate judge in federal court?” by examining the office of a magistrate judge and what it means to consent to the magistrate’s jurisdiction.