Managing Risks

A white paper by Judge David M. Furman with Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Jessica Ross, Esq. which contains a basic overview of appellate practice in Colorado state courts.

A white paper by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. about what a good investigative process should look like within a religious organization.

A white paper by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Jessica Ross, Esq. about how law firms work and how to find one that meets your unique needs.

A white paper by Jessica Ross, Esq. and Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. about crisis management in global missions work.

Reporting international crimes is not as straightforward as it seems. There are factors to consider, such as what kind of crime it is, what jurisdiction it falls under, and what agency is responsible.

Are you a church leader looking for tools and training that will help your church thrive? The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability has developed free tools to help you achieve these goals.

What should an attorney do if he or she gets a negative online review? This post will discuss how to respond. Remaining level-headed and courteous can turn a negative review into a positive for the firm.

The doctrine of admission pro hac vice permits the temporary admission of an unlicensed attorney to practice law in a specific jurisdiction and for a specific case. This post discusses the ABA Model Rule on pro hac vice.

Often, nonprofit boards seek attorneys to serve, based on their knowledge and experience that may be useful. Attorneys also enjoy serving as a way of giving back to the community. But there are some pitfalls that this post discusses.

Sometimes an attorney needs to withdraw from a case, or step into one partway through. This post discusses the ethical rules for withdrawing from or entering into a case that is already underway.