Managing Risks

Waivers or releases of liability can be useful, but also have some pitfalls. A recent case teaches that one should write these agreements in plain English and include relevant activities.

Suing the state is complicated, as only some claims are allowed. Also, there are some steps that you must take to give notice first, as well as some dangers.

The recently decided case of Hawg Tools v. Newsco offers some valuable lessons on defending a case in the appellate courts.

A two-part resource about how to request attorney fees at the Colorado Court of Appeals, focusing on the required procedure for doing so.

A multi-chapter resource about when to file a cert petition, looking at how to evaluate factors that may it more likely for cert to be granted, as well as the strategy of filing for cert.

When the organization has to let someone go for misconduct, and there is a scandal, what should it say? How much is too much? What are possible consequences?

A multi-chapter resource by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq. and Dr. Brent Lindquist about some ways to tell when you, a colleague, or an employee might need some additional help (such as counseling), and how that could have implications in the workplace.

What are my odds of winning on appeal? Telios Law explains how standards of review used in appellate courts may help figure out the odds of reversal on appeal.

A multi-chapter resource about the pros and cons of handling the appeal yourself as trial counsel, handing the case over to appellate counsel, and whether there is any better solution.

At the Colorado Court of Appeals, any party can ask for the chance to present their case before the court at oral argument. But should you? While ultimately the decision whether oral argument is granted is up to the court, the initial decision of whether to ask in the first place brings up an even bigger topic. Does oral argument really ever makes a difference in the case?