Managing Risks
As if discovery were not complicated enough, now electronic discovery includes text messages. This post presents some current legal rulings and the dangers they flag if a firm incorrectly handles text messages.
Being sued can be the “worst nightmare” situation for a business. This post discusses practical ways to respond to threats of a lawsuit.
Nonprofits often wonder whether their charitable status offers any protection if they get sued, or if funds that were donated for charitable purposes will just get wiped out by the lawsuit. Some protections such as the doctrine of charitable immunity apply, but these are limited.
We discuss pros and cons of benevolent phishing, which is phishing your employees to train them on cybersecurity awareness. We also discuss other ways to harden your workforce against phishing.
The Tenth Circuit reminds lawyers of the importance of good billing practices in this Colorado case on attorney malpractice insurance defense coverage, where billing practices ended up not covered by the policy.
Learn more about the intersection of the Colorado Civil Rules of Procedure and the Colorado Construction Defect Action Reform Act in this post on Curry v. Zag Built LLC.

A multi-chapter resource about why cybersecurity for your business and its data is so important, both for your business itself and because it is required by Colorado law.

A multi-chapter resource about how the Colorado Supreme Court recently handed down two opinions on physician-patient privilege, and how this latest guidance may impact your litigation practice.
This post discusses ways to use videoconferencing, particularly Zoom, for depositions or trial preparation and testimony, including the recording and screen-sharing features.
In a guest post by Scott Brawner, he lists several signs to look for when gauging whether to stay or to go when things get heated in another country– particularly as it relates to recent events in Nicaragua.